Welcome to KHF

 The Korea Hope Foundation (KHF)

is an international development cooperation NGO.

KHF is committed to 

fostering sustainable development and empowering communities 

 through partnership with local NGOs.


The Korea Hope Foundation (KHF) stands in solidarity 
with the poor and marginalized in the global community to create 
an equal, just, peaceful, and ecologically sustainable world that “leaves no one behind.” 


Core Value 


KHF aims to build solidarity with local communities and support the empowerment of local partner organizations. Local people build the strength to overcome poverty and discrimination, while we and our local partner organizations improve organizational capacity and global citizenship.


KHF prioritizes those who are most vulnerable to discrimination, such as women, children, persons with disabilities, and Dalits. We strive to identify and address the structural causes of discrimination to help them overcome these challenges.


All KHF projects are community-based. They establish cooperative-type production community groups to create stable and sustainable income and foster a structure for an independent life.


KHF encourages local people to improve self-determination. By actively participating in community projects, local people develop a sense of pride and ownership and foster an engaged and hopeful attitude toward life.


KHF prioritizes the voices of the community. We collaborate with local partner organizations based on trust and respect for them. We recognize that they understand the local context best and actively utilize local resources and capacities.


KHF manages donations transparently and ensures that the project's outcomes continue with local strength even after funding ends. We also adhere to international standards and guidelines for development cooperation throughout all the process including project implementation, fundraising, and outreach.

사단법인 한국희망재단

대표 서북원  |  사업자번호 204-82-08008

주소 (04031) 서울시 마포구 동교로 162-5, 2층

전화 02-365-4673  |  팩스 02-796-4673

© 2025 KHF. SITE BY 산책

사단법인 한국희망재단

사업자번호 204-82-08008   |   전화 02-365-4673   |   팩스 02-796-4673

대표자 서북원   |   주소 (04031) 서울시 마포구 동교로 162-5 2층

후원문의: 02-365-4673

후원계좌: 농협 063-01-206556